October 9th, 2014
Something a little different for you today: the album art from Iron Maiden’s awesome 2010 album, The Final Frontier. Poor Eddie can’t seem to catch a break can he? This album is one of Maiden’s best, featuring such songs as Coming Home, Isle of Avalon and When the Wild wind Blows. This these tunes blasting […]
October 8th, 2014
We jump across to Battlestar Galactica for today’s wallpaper, to the Battle of New Caprica. The Galactica fought bravely against four-to-one odds but was being blasted to pieces. Just when it seemed she was doomed, one of the Cylon Basestars exploded, heralding the thunderous arrival of Pegasus. Commanded by Lee Adama, the mighty ship was […]
October 7th, 2014
War has come to the skies of Earth, as a single massive Borg cube has penetrated deep into the Federation’s defences. Starfleet valiantly tries to hold the line but is forced back again and again. The USS Defiant proves her worth, surviving the entire battle and inflicting considerable damage on the Borg vessel. Here we […]
October 6th, 2014
WE’re sticking with Star Trek but we’ve gone back in time a few decades, to this (imaginary) battle in 2285. The USS Enterprise, under Admiral James T Kirk, is ambushed at close range by the renegade USS Reliant, which has been seized by Khan Noonien Singh, a genetically-engineered superman from Earth’s darkest period. Khan has […]
October 5th, 2014
We travel across a few million light-years for today’s sci-fi wallpaper. It’s the USS Defiant, designed and built by Benjamin Sisko to fight the Borg. It only met the Borg once but she did much better than most of the other starships present. She had much better luck against the Dominion, where she proved to […]
October 4th, 2014
We’re back in the galaxy far, far away for today’s wallpaper. We see the massed squadrons of the Rebel Alliance launching from their base on Yavin IV for a desperate strike against the nigh-invincible Death Star. It really is a do-or-die mission for these pilots: if the base is destroyed the Rebellion is finished. For […]
October 4th, 2014
We’re sticking with the big guns, but today we’re moving back in time a while, to this beautiful image of the USS Iowa, lead ship of her class, leaving harbour during the Second World War. This class was the ultimate in American battleship design and would serve with distinction in WW” and Korea, providing devastating […]
October 3rd, 2014
We return to our Ships category for the next two days. This morning we have an amazing picture taken by a US Navy helicopter of one of the American Iowa-class battleships firing a salvo of 16″ guns. The massive power of these weapons is evident. The flash from the guns is large enough to show […]
October 2nd, 2014
Our time in the Galaxy far, far away isn’t over yet. This great scene from the Battle of Hoth shows us a devastating Imperial victory. The Imperial forces, led by Darth Vader have been searching for the Rebel’s secret base for months, and finally they have found it. The Rebel shield prevents a direct assault […]
October 1st, 2014
Disaster! The Separatists have assembled a huge fleet and used secret hyperlanes to attack Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. The fleet battle overhead is cover for the kidnapping of the Chancellor, but the Home Fleet, supported by the Open Circle Fleet commanded by Obi-Wan Kenobi have rushed to engage the enemy before they can […]
September 30th, 2014
Our sci-fi ships theme flies off to a galaxy far, far away for today’s wallpaper, featuring an early moment from the climactic Battle of Endor. The Rebel Fleet, realising the unfinished Death Star II is nonetheless fully operational, hastily disengages and turns away, only to find the massed Star Destroyers of the Imperial Starfleet waiting […]
September 29th, 2014
Our Stargate Atlantis theme moves ever onwards. Appropriately enough today’s wallpaper shows a mighty Aurora-class warship, built by the Ancients to defend their empire against the Wraith, about to leap into hyperspace, heading for a battle against implacable enemies. These ships carried very powerful shields, letting them stay in a fight far longer than other […]
September 28th, 2014
We move across to the Pegasus Galaxy and Stargate Atlantis for today’s wallpaper, showing the terrifying sight of two Wraith Hive Ships and their escorting cruisers advancing over Atlantis. The Siege has begun and the intrepid defenders of the city must hold out until the cavalry arrives. But against such enemies, the price will be […]
September 27th, 2014
Our Stargate theme continues, this time with a cracking wallpaper showing an Asgard Beliskner-class mothership, under the leadership of Supreme Commander Thor, engaging the Goa’uld Ha’tak commanded by Osiris. Thor has come to defend one of the Protected Planets in the Milky Way, worlds that the Goa’uld are not permitted to visit. This would usually […]
September 26th, 2014
We return to our sci-fi ships category, and Stargate in particular. This incredible image shows the USS Daedalus ready for battle. These ships are far smaller than most of the enemies they face, but thanks to their highly advanced technology they are able to hold their own in a fight far better than most people […]