October 30th, 2014
Dragon Glow Art is the name of this our wonderful and latest desktop background wallpaper. As we can see in this desktop wallpaper we have a blue tribal dragon that has a definite glow on it, this making it all the more wonderful to look at. This high resolution and HD wallpaper also gives off […]
October 28th, 2014
What an absolutely wonderful high resolution and HD desktop background wallpaper we have here for you today. As you can see this brilliant personal background wallpaper is entitled abstract nature scene and we think it perfectly describes this picture. As we can see in this we have a mix of colours, but as the focal […]
October 26th, 2014
Here we have our very latest high resolution HD desktop background wallpaper for you and this one is entitled tranquil blue abyss. As we can all agree this incredible HD desktop background is very encapsulating and incredible to look at, it really does take you to another place. In this brilliant high resolution wallpaper we […]
October 23rd, 2014
A Colourful Burst of Abstraction is the name of this our very latest high resolution and HD desktop background wallpaper. In this brilliant personal wallpaper we have something very out there and incredibly unique. The way that this HD background wallpaper draws you in and is simply incredible and allows you to get lost in […]
October 21st, 2014
What a weird yet beautifully wonderful HD desktop background wallpaper we have here for you today simply entitled Abstract HD Candle. As we can see in this awesome wallpaper we have a ordinary wax candle and flame, just this one is slightly different. Where as we would have candle wax and a flame we have […]
October 19th, 2014
The Clone WArs have began on Geonosis and the Republic forces are advancing. The Trade Federation starships are attempting to withdraw, so Master Yoda orders the massive artillery to focus their fire. The powerful beams from the ground-based turbolasers literally carve up the starship like a Christmas turkey, sending it crashing back to the ground […]
October 18th, 2014
We’re back in the galaxy far far away with today’s wallpaper, showing us an early moment in the duel on Naboo. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and his Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan Macgregor) are assaulted by the formidable Dark Side warrior, Darth Maul (Ray Park). It’s two on one but Darth Maul is skilled […]
October 17th, 2014
Behold, the sight that very few survive to see…the Emperor of the Daleks. It commanded the final assault on Gallifrey and the Fall of Arcadia, and miraculously (for the Daleks anyway) survived the apocalypse caused by the Doctor. It’s ship fell through time, crippled and broken, yet still alive. It hid in the darkness at […]
October 16th, 2014
To offset the doom and gloom of all the monsters, today we have a real treat: this cracking wallpaper shows us three of the Doctor’s incarnations united to the stop the bad guys. The Eleventh and Tenth Doctors look with dread at the War Doctor (brilliantly played by John Hurt), a terrible reminder of what […]
October 15th, 2014
We arrive at the darkest time in the Doctor’s long life. The Fall of Arcadia on Gallifrey during the Last Great Time War. It was here that the War Doctor realized he had no other option but to end it all, destroy Daleks and Time Lords alike. In this stunning wallpaper we can see the […]
October 14th, 2014
We’ve had enough of monsters, time for some heroes. What better than the TARDIS, the improbably-sized timeship of the Doctor. It’s taken him throughout all of time and space, from the very birth of the Universe to the last days, when the cosmos is winding down to die, 100 trillion years in the future. She […]
October 13th, 2014
We jump across time and entire universes to arrive at our next wallpaper. Here, the Cybermen advance, slowly but inexorably, nigh-unstoppable in their intentions. They are the future of mankind; the brains implanted in a cybernetic body, and they seek to “upgrade” all others to be like them, because extinction is not an option. They […]
October 12th, 2014
Our stay in the grim darkness of the far future continues, and one thing is certain, there is only war. In today’s grim wallpaper we see Necron warriors advancing against a pair of bedeviled Ultramarine Dreadnoughts. Even these mighty war machines will be unable to hold back the tide of ancient machines, as in the […]
October 11th, 2014
Our games category moves into the grim darkness of the far future with this great image from Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Captain Titus of the Ultramarines Chapter is fighting his way across the ruins of the Forge World Graia that has been overrun by the Roks, led by Warboss Grimskull. Titus and his squadmates are […]
October 10th, 2014
Meet Peter Griffin, fat man, devoted alcoholic, and occasional caring father and husband. He makes a habit and of doing exactly what you shouldn’t do…and oh typical, he’s doing it again. Either he’s very stupid (which he is) or he’s just a jerk (which he also is). We can’t tell either way really, so we’ll […]
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