New owners, new wallpapers, new content!
We’ve got some fantastic news for you all! This site has been taken over by new owners which means you’ll be seeing a lot of changes made over the next few weeks. Firstly to start it off we’ve launched a brand new design which features the HD wallpaper so much better than the previous […]
We’ve got some fantastic news for you all! This site has been taken over by new owners which means you’ll be seeing a lot of changes made over the next few weeks. Firstly to start it off we’ve launched a brand new design which features the HD wallpaper so much better than the previous design. On top of that as the new owners of the site we’ll be bringing you plenty more fantastic wallpapers likely on a daily basis so there’ll be plenty for you to do. So keep your eye out for the new high definition wallpapers (and maybe even some widecsreen wallpapers too) and we hope you enjoy the new website.
Don't forget to let us know what you think of this New owners, new wallpapers, new content! HD wallpaper in the comments. For more New owners, new wallpapers, new content! and other great HD wallpapers browse through our wallpaper categories!