June 24th, 2013
Sunny autum days can be some of the nicest days of the year. Whether the weather is mild or air is chilly and crisp autum days are always wonderfull. The viberant reds, oranges and browns mixed with green creates a wonderful scene like no other any time of the year. You could imagine yourself sat […]
June 22nd, 2013
Picture yourself on a yacht or cruiser in the Caribbean or Mediteranian, the boat cutting though the small waves and you lying back in the sunshine with a gentle breeze brushing over your face. Compeletly at peace with yourself and the world you look over the edge and see this image, the sunshine glinding of […]
June 16th, 2013
This image captures the view you would hope for on the perfect, beautiful English summers day. It takes you into the wonderful English countryside, to a lush green meadow with a grand tree in the middle. You could imagine yourself sat eating a picnic in the sunshine, gazing out at this view with a gentle […]
June 12th, 2013
This image is a spectacular shot of a majestic eagle flying past an imense, beautiful waterfall. The eagle has its wings spread wide and at the tips individual feathers can be seen. The waterfall has light shining on it on the right hand side making it difficult to see the water. On the left torrents […]
June 10th, 2013
This image is of a close up view of some bright green leaves on a dark brown branch. Sunlight shines down on the leaves creating beautiful patterns of light and shade. The light shines through one leaf in the centre making it a brilliant shade of bright green. A few leaves in the foreground are […]
June 4th, 2013
This image is of beautiful vibrant pink flowers on a gorgeous blue background. The flowers are two shades of pink, a pale girly pink and a darker pink. The green is also very bright and a lovely grass green colour with touches of straw yellow. Only one flower is in focus in the centre and […]
May 28th, 2013
In the foreground of this image are grey lichen and moss covered rocks, the different shades of grey and viberant green and clear detail make the rocks look pretty. In the background of the image are beautiful grassy, muddy and rocky Scottish hills, just as you would picture when you think of scotland. This image […]
May 26th, 2013
This is a beautiful imaging showing a close up of the ocean with sandy beach in the foreground. You can clearly see each tiny individual bubble in the froth on the water and each grain of sand. In the background the clear blue ocean stretches away to the horizon and in one corner some land […]
May 24th, 2013
The Scottish highland are a spectacular and stunning place to visit, bring them to your room with this incredible wallpaper. The clear image really makes you feel like you are there on a hill looking across a valley with thick swirling clouds above your head. Beams of light can be seen glinting through gaps in […]
May 20th, 2013
This wallpaper is of a cute little frog peeping though a hole in a leaf. It is a tiny bright green frog with bright orange eyes and fingers. It is a red eyed tree frog which is a type of frog that is native to Neotropical rainforests in Central America. These frogs live in mainly […]
May 5th, 2013
A fantastic artists impression of two worlds so close together it looks like they are about to collide as they are being drawn towards the bright light at the centre of the vortex. All around the darkness of space is depicted in a brown / black colour that makes this image look very mysterious and […]
May 1st, 2013
Wile away your spare time walking along the edge of this peaceful inlet of water. The clear blue skies and soft white clouds echo the tranquil mood of this place. Listen as the waters gentle lap around the rocks just out of reach and watch the ripples of water as they travel gently across the […]
April 29th, 2013
Walking hand in hand along the beach you both stop and watch this gorgeous winter sunset. The rich yellows and oranges light the winter skies as the sun slowly sinks lower and lower, the calm waters reflecting the sunset and the colourful skies, until the sun sinks below the horizon. This is a really gorgeous […]
April 28th, 2013
A lovely photo of a sprig of delicate white, spring blossom, waving gently in the early morning sunshine. Don’t you just love it when the spring sunshine arrives and the trees burst into life looking so fresh and new, and then the first tiny buds of blossom unfurl and bloom making the trees come to […]
April 27th, 2013
A spectacular view across the the tops of snow capped mountains with a mountain lake nestled between them. Imagine yourself standing on the nearside mountain, by the trees, looking out across this view. You watch as the sun’s rays radiate out through the grey clouds and see where they fall. Shift your gaze as the […]
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