Christmas WordPress Wallpaper
You may not know this but this website, HD wallpapers is actually powered by the fantastic open source web publishing platform called WordPress. We just wanted to give our thanks to the great people who’ve worked very hard for the past few years developing WordPress which is now possibly the worlds best content publishing platform […]

You may not know this but this website, HD wallpapers is actually powered by the fantastic open source web publishing platform called WordPress. We just wanted to give our thanks to the great people who’ve worked very hard for the past few years developing WordPress which is now possibly the worlds best content publishing platform in the world. Well done, congratulations and merry Christmas. Here’s a WordPress logo inspired Christmas wallpaper dedicated to the guys over at WordPress!
Don't forget to let us know what you think of this Christmas WordPress Wallpaper HD wallpaper in the comments. For more Christmas WordPress Wallpaper and other great HD wallpapers browse through our wallpaper categories!